It can be a challenge when purchasing new pool equipment? Knowing the right pool pump for your swimming pool can be confusing if you don’t know what to look for. I will answer that question in today’s blog. Hi, my name is Marti Norris and I’m the International Pool Girl. I”ve worked cleaning swimming pools in North Georgia for more than 12 years and I share my tips with you.
One of the first things to consider when purchasing a new pool pump is to know the size of your pool. That way you can determine the pump that will be best for your pool. (You may be reading this blog and reside in a country that uses the metric system, then you would measure your pool with the equivalent amount in meters. ) Pools that are 24 feet or smaller, than a 1 horsepower pump should be sufficient. If your pool is longer than 24 feet, then a 1.5 horsepower pump would be sufficient.
If you are new pool owner and have never purchased a pool pump, it would be my recommendation to get a quote from a pool professional. In the US, if you purchase equipment online from major retailers, then your warranties are usually less. There is an advantage of purchasing from an authorized pool professional as they can give you the full warranty and generally will put the right pump that fits your pool.
In addition, if you purchase a pump that needs to be hooked up to an automation system, then a seasoned professional will most likely be able to do that as part of the installation. If they are unable to do that, then you will need to pay someone in addition to connect the pump control systems to the internet. Also, a pool pump with a full warranty is going to cost more than what can be purchased online but with those products, you also won’t have the warranty service if there is an issue a few months after the pump was installed.
The next thing to consider is what is the flow rate of the pump? The flow rate should be suitable for the size of your pool. The flow rate is calculated by dividing the number of gallons your pool holds by the number of hours it should take to circulate all the water in the pool through the pool filtration system.
When purchasing a pool pump, you need to consider if the pump that you are purchasing will work well with your current pool filter. Pool filters and pool pumps work better when the right size is installed based upon the size of your pool. If there are any other features on the pool like an attached spa or waterfalls, then take that into consideration too. If one or the other is too large or small for the size of the pool, then there can be issues with how well the water flows.
In the last ten years, energy efficiency has become very important as it relates to pool pumps. These pumps can be more expensive than a basic pump. However, the extra cost can be recouped in the first year savings on your electric bill. If you live in a state or a country, where the climate and environmental issues are more heavily regulated, then you want to be sure that the pump you install is correct for the state where you reside. All three of the major manufacturers have energy efficient pumps for sale. You just need to determine which one is the right fit for your needs.
An additional consideration is how loud the pump is when it is running. We have several pool pumps and they are right next to our home, but you can’t hear them as they are energy efficient and with all the new technology. If your pool equipment is further away from your home, then it may not be as important that the equipment is very quiet. But, going with something that is quiet is going to be better because you don’t want the neighbors complaining due to the noise.
If you take these factors into consideration, then you should be able to purchase the right pump for your pool.